
Affordable ways to update your home’s curb appeal

If you’re looking to sell your home, it’s time to buckle down on its curb appeal. According to one study, homes that buyers said had “good” curb appeal sold for about 7 percent more than homes that had “poor” curb appeal. Here are some affordable ways to upgrade your home’s vital first impression.

Yard Work

A recent study from a San Francisco-based reality company found that homes with a landscaped yard sold for anywhere between 1 and 10 percent more than homes without a landscaped yard. The best part about this is that you don’t need to hire a landscaper to improve your curb appeal. Adding potted plants, mowing the lawn, weeding and adding fresh mulch will go a long way toward making your landscape look great.

Clean Up

As Money points out, you might not notice your driveway, but potential buyers likely will. Power wash your driveway to remove tire and oil marks. Also, wash your windows (inside and out). Clean windows allow more light inside, and buyers love brightly-lit homes.

Front and Center

Give your front door a new paint job. This is a relatively inexpensive fix, as all you need is paint, brushes, drop cloth and painters tape. If your door is damaged, consider replacing it.

Little Matters

If your home has old or broken exterior light fixtures, replace them. Consider updating old mailboxes and house numbers. Little things like this can add up to a big sticker price for your home.

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Original article by Chris O'Shea and adapted in partnership with SavvyMoney.

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