
How to stay physically fit and financially healthy

If you’re looking to trim the exercise fat in your budget, here are a few ways to stay fit without spending a fortune.

Think Exercise in Terms of Goals. Instead of focusing on how to afford the gym, think about what fitness goals you want to accomplish. Weight loss? Bulking up? Better overall health? Can you do this solo – or do you need the support of others around you as encouragement to get it done? Then, let the answers drive you to the most budget-friendly solution.

Head Outdoors. Walking, running, hiking, and biking are all available on your own time with relatively low equipment costs.

Find a Buddy. Knowing that a friend (or two) is waiting for you on the corner to take a walk or run is insurance that you’re not likely to cancel. Plus, you can push each other toward your fitness goals.

Consider an App. If you need guidance, there’s an app for that. Whether you’re looking for strength classes, yoga practice, or even a running coach. This will be cheaper than many gyms.

Shop Gyms for the Best Price. Survey all your gym options before you sign up. Don’t sign a long-term contract until you’ve tried the gym for a solid month and know you’ll stick with it.

Consider Pre-Owned Equipment. If you’re buying equipment for the home, a treadmill, elliptical, or even Peloton that is slightly used could be the perfect option – at a fraction of the price. Check local Facebook marketplaces.

Check Your Health Insurance. Many plans supplement the costs of health and wellness. Some employers also offer to reimburse the cost (or some of the cost) of staying fit. Don’t let these benefits go untapped.

Article distributed in partnership with SavvyMoney with reporting by Jean Chatzky

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