
New Fraud Alert Notifications

Fortera is committed to providing our members the best fraud-fighting tools to strengthen our defenses and help our members take immediate action against fraud. With that in mind, we recently implemented new measures to quickly verify suspicious activity on your accounts.

Should we identify a questionable transaction on your account, we will first attempt to contact you about the activity via text message (from 919-37), then automated voice call and finally by email to determine if a transaction was authorized. There will be a block placed on your card to protect you from further fraud until we hear back from you. If you do not recognize the transaction(s), you will receive a message asking you to call 888-918-7313 for further assistance. If you reply that you recognize the transaction(s), your card will remain available for use.

Please remember that we will never ask for account information, full card number, passwords, or other sensitive information via these unsecure channels. Our SMS / Text Message fraud alerts only require a simple yes (Y) or no (N) reply. If you are ever uncertain if a message is authentic, please call or text us at 931.431.6800, reach out to us via web or video chat or come see us in-person at one of our branches. We will be happy to confirm if the communication is legitimate or not.

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