
8 Money Saving Back-to-School Shopping Tips

Inflation has made back-to-school shopping a spendy venture. If this gives you pause, don’t panic! Here are some simple ways you can save more this season.

  1. Start early! Doing your homework early can often help you spend less and choose from a better selection of supplies.
  2. Shop by looking at circulars and online sales. Plan your trip around the best deals throughout the rest of the summer until school starts.
  3. Take inventory of what your child has now and what can be reused during the new school year.
  4. See if your child’s school website has a shopping list for each individual grade. That way you can identify things that they need right now and what can wait.
  5. Don’t buy all your supplies from one store. Shop around! Certain stores will price match or have better prices.
  6. Talk to your children and identify needs versus wants. You can set expectations and limits on things like shoes, clothes or sports gear.
  7. Avoid cartoon characters. Usually, themed back-to-school supplies can cost 20-30 percent more than their generic counterparts. A great way to still give them style and personalization is to buy stickers and let them decorate their supplies.
  8. Consider shopping solo. You’ll stay focused and avoid unnecessary purchases. Your child may want a new backpack, when last year’s will do just fine!

This article was provided in partnership with GreenPath

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