We’ve designed our business team and accounts to take care of you and yours. Whether you’re just opening or have decades under your belt, there’s no better time to start banking in a way that makes more sense — no hidden fees or hoop-jumping about it. Get to growing and give us a call today.
Conducting better business requires better partners. We strive to work with the kind of people who elevate you with the use of smart, streamlined, and easy-to-use services while simultaneously being present when you need them.
If you are in need of authorization, processing, and network services for credit and debit cards, then we recommend working with BancCard. Together, Fortera and BancCard are dedicated to reducing risk, increasing user ease, growing profits, and being real partners that listen to your concerns face-to-face.
BancCard is a premier provider of business services with over 60,000 active merchants and clients. Working with BancCard and Fortera will give you access to the latest terminals and equipment, customized software and integration solutions, advanced mobile credit card processing, and all types of specialty cards including gift, loyalty, fleet, etc.
Schedule a meeting with us if BancCard sounds like a good fit for you.